Sunday, November 11, 2018

Motivational Moments

The day started with a shower after our first full night at Sophie’s Place.  I slept well in a bedroom with every door and window left open to the sound of the Jamaican mountainside.  A small black fan is tied to every bedpost and when plugged in provides circulation to the humid air.  I left my socks on to combat the bugs that have been floating around but found myself cold enough to use the sheet left for us on our bunks throughout the night. I was happy to find that I wasn’t the last team member to wake up, some were already helping to prepare breakfast, coffee, and fruit for the rest of the team.  After trying our first Johnny Cakes and 2 fresh bananas, I went downstairs to help work with the children at Sophie’s Place. We were in time for a music session, complete with instruments for each child and Sunday School songs led by the caregivers (Auntie’s).  After the singing and music playing, the Auntie’s led a bible reading for the children, sharing their bibles with us so we could help read along.

Preparing for our walk over to church.

After a great Jamaican breakfast and some relaxing conversation, we went downstairs to leave for Mass.  I was surprised …  you might say shocked … to be greeted by so many of the children, all dressed in their finest clothes.  Tiara was wearing her ‘diamond’ necklace and so proud of how she looked.  As Lola wheeled her down the street, she kept warning us about when we had to stay away from cars in the street.  When we got to church, she sat right up in the front row, so she could see, be seen and sway to the music.  The children are like one solid family, looking after and protecting one another, and at the same time, eager to meet their guests and interact with us.  Steve was blessed with the opportunity to hold Raheem in his arms during Mass, a truly spiritual experience for him.  All the children adopted a friend to sit with.  The Mass itself was itself a spiritual experience.  The readings and the Gospel dealt with the feelings we were experiencing … the first about the prophet Elijah and the Gospel was about the rich who gave from their bounty or surplus, while the poor gave the last of what they had.  The music – so uplifting and joyous, the children’s collection before the regular collection was a joy to behold.  All the children come up to the front of the altar to give their tithe before the regular collection is taken.  We had one particularly funny experience … one little who’d given his money and gone back to his seat, had second thoughts about it and decided to go back up, retrieve it and return to his seat.  A little coaxing from mom finally convinced him to go back up and place it in the basket.  The entire service was inspiring and what a wonderful way to start our first full day of adventure with these beautiful kids.

Steve holding Raheem throughout mass.

After Mass, the children were ready for lunch.  After our team members pushed back the children’s wheelchairs from the Church, we were ready for lunch too.  I decided to stay for lunch with the children, but it was actually Tiara, who demanded I stay with her to give her lunch.  While the Auntie’s fed most of the children a mashed mixture, Tiara kept repeating that she was excited to eat her favorite meal ever: Chicken, Rice, and Vegetables (Jamaican Accent).  I was nervous sitting with her this whole time because of the Jamaican preference to leave bones in their Chicken and Meat.  I was feeding a 10 year old girl with cerebral palsy chicken with bones. I was nervous with every spoon-fed bite I gave her, but she was quick to let me know when a bone was in her mouth and pushed it quickly to her lower lip with her tongue for me to remove. I wasn’t expecting this process to take 45 minutes, but I enjoyed every bite that she took.  In between bites, the Auntie’s and I had to remind Tiara to “Chew more and Speak less.”  Obviously we were called “mad” by Tiara for even considering that she didn’t give us her opinion of every topic of conversation.  After Tiara finished her lunch bowl, which was about half of her size, I was eager to eat myself.  After scooping down some pasta salad, I was excited to find that we would be heading to Matthew 25:40, to work with young men and teenage boys affected with HIV/Aids.

These young boys are amazing, so smart, talented and happy.  We found them with so much hope.  Niko is so bright … he told us of his plans to finish school, then move to NYC for more education and to open his first business.  He plans to have stores in New York, Canada and China, marry a gal from Canada and start a second career as a motivational speaker.  Niko was so positive, and full of hope.  Then there was Keemo, an absolutely beautiful, happy young man who also plans to be a motivational speaker.  We already decided on his introduction to a group:  Finding Keemo!  These boys, along with all those who interacted with us, playing soccer, football and just some all-round fun sports … then absolutely overjoyed with the reward of candy, balloons, stickers, etc.  What a wonderful afternoon!

When we returned to Sophie’s Place, we were able to spend time with the children here, feeding them … Tiara requesting a manicure-pedicure, while Donovan wanted someone to read to him.  I had a chance for the second time to feed my little pal, Raheem (RaRa) and loved every minute of it.
We’re excited to begin a new week of interaction with the remainder of Mustard Seed Communities.  We’re excited to make new friendships and see new smiles on the faces of the children that we interact with. We are blessed to be here and excited to share more with you as our trip continues.

The evening sky over Sophie's Place.

Una & John

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